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Back To Basics: Real Estate Direct Mail Campaigns
By Sarah Layton

Real Estate Direct Mail Campaigns

Some people will insist that Real Estate Direct Mail is probably the most cost-effective method of getting your name and face out to buyers in the market. If you want to make the most direct-mail campaign, here are some tips for using postcard marketing to its maximum potential. Although there are countless ways to market your real estate business, there are only a few efficient ways to reach out to potential clients and increase the chances of making a sale. Here are a few tips for using postcard marketing to its maximum advantage:

o Mailing postcards in bulk to targeted prospects is a great way to expand your reach. If you opt to send out postcards as advertising, you have to buy postcards from a printing company or print shop. However, if you plan to send out postcards as DIY method, you only need to get your hands on blank postcards from the Internet. Most people don't know how to go about shopping online. For this reason, it's best to let professionals do the job for you.

o In choosing a professional postcard design, you have to be very careful. As your target audience is very specific, it's a must that the design and the content of your postcard match with what your potential clients want. A professional real estate direct mail campaign can help you accomplish this. You can search the Internet for affordable design companies who can create custom postcard templates that are easy to use and very effective.

o The printing process is also important. You have to choose a professional printing company that has years of experience in creating professional postcards. A professional printer will not only give you great postcard designs but they can also help you streamline your mailing process. By doing so, you save time, effort and money. This means that you can focus on other aspects of your business.

o Postcards printing is not cheap. If you are starting out, it is better to choose a cheaper postcard option like postcards that are printed on recycled paper. This will definitely cut down your printing costs. On the other hand, if you are going for an expensive postcard campaign, consider buying a heavy-duty postcard printer. This is the more expensive way of printing postcards but you'll also benefit from a faster mailing process.

o You can increase your chances of success of your real estate campaign by keeping in mind the target audience and their preferences. Find out what kind of postcards will appeal more to your target clients. For instance, if you want to send postcards to people who own a home in an upscale neighborhood, try sending the postcards during a weekend when they'll most likely be out and about and possibly taking a look at properties.

o Use direct mail campaigns to build your customer database. Before sending out the campaign materials, make sure that you've collected customer contact information. This includes names, addresses and email addresses. Next, you'll need to send these mails to these potential customers with an attached card that contains their information. If you have a form on your website, you can send this along with the postcard materials.

A well-designed direct mail campaign can capture the attention of prospective buyers. By using a few different elements, you can optimize your postcard printing for maximum impact. Also, you'll likely be able to reduce your campaign cost since postcards don't go out of stock as quickly as regular mailings do.

o Include a coupon. Many people love to get coupons in the mail. Since postcards are so inexpensive to produce, many printers offer printing coupons that include discounts on printing costs. When you're printing postcards for a campaign, make sure to include this feature.

o Keep it simple. When you design your postcard printing, keep everything very simple. Don't add too much text or graphics, and make sure to leave enough white space to display your company's logo. The less that your customer has to do to receive your postcards, the more likely they are to read the campaign materials. This will help boost your direct mail campaign's impact.

Once you're done with your design and printing, be sure to distribute your materials to your target audience. Give them plenty of time to respond to your campaign. And make sure that they actually receive your postcards when they need them. There's nothing worse than sending out postcards to potential clients only to have them put them back or skip the chance of ever seeing them again.